About Blue Sage Bundles
Blue Sage Bundles can be used to remove any negative energies from your space. Blue Sage has a bit of a floral and milder fragrance as compared to the traditional and more commonly used White Sage.
While any herb that you wish to use for smudging will remove negative energies from your space; Blue Sage has been known to be used in medicinal and magical applications in ancient times. For this reason, it is also known as Grandmother Sage.
What is Smudging?
The process of burning a bunch of burning dried herbs or leaves as this sage bundle is called smudging. It can be an easy walk through the home and allowing the smoke to clear the energy of the space or it can be as elaborate as a ceremony; where people drum, sing, chant while another person fans the smoke of the sage with a feather all around..
Do the method that works best for you but remember that intent is important. Sage is burned to cleanse and purify.
Once you are done with smudging you can use prayers, anointing oils, holy water, incense or Palo Santo to bless the space. By doing this we are inviting the angels and our ancestors to come into our space and take care of us.
How often should you Smudge your space?
We always recommend going with your intuition. If you are reading this information now, there is a very good chance that you already have developed or are working on developing your intuitive skills. However, a good time to bring out the smudging stick would be:
- After a healing session
- If you have too many visitors in your space
- Definitely after an argument or any stressful situation
- When the planets are done doing fun things, such as an eclipse, a full or new moon night or after Mercury Retrograde (thats a big one)!
- Before you start any prayers or rituals
- If you have a lot of negative thoughts
- When you feel weighed down by your emotions
How should you use your smudging stick?
Clear your mind. Set an intention – it can be as simple as “Thank you for cleansing the energy in my space”.
We recommend you take along your Abalone Shell with a small tea light in it as Smudge bundles tend to go off and need re-lighting.
Light one end of your smudge stick and walk around your space moving the smoke in all directions with a feather or your hand. Make sure you cover the corners of each room – energy is stickiest in the corners and in heavy furniture and curtains.
Once done – simply place your smudge stick in your Abalone Shell. Most smudge sticks will usually go off themselves in a couple of minutes. If it doesn’t, you can snuff the smudge stick against the abalone shell.
*Never leave your smudge stick un-attended while it is still giving out heavy smoke.*
Can you cleanse your crystals with your smudge stick?
Definitely yes! It’s the safest method to cleanse your crystals without having to worry if it will damage your crystals. Read more about cleansing your crystals in this post.
The Mind, Body and Soul Connection
Stress has unfortunately become an integral part of our daily lives. However, with holistic wellness and healing modalities, we can bring our body, mind and soul into alignment as we begin to heal and grow spiritually. Let Manisha Dutta, our Holistic Healer help you find your path as you embark on your healing journey. As a result, stress will no longer remain a part of your life and you will always project the best version of yourself by attaining a natural state of calmness, trusting your inner voice and expressing your creativity.
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