About Space & Aura Mist
Our handmade Space & Aura Mist is charged under the full moon for 3 nights and can be used to cleanse spaces or your aura where you cant light up a sage bundle. Slim 100 ml bottle that can be carried with ease while traveling which makes it easy to cleanse your vacation rentals or hotel rooms.
Our mist is made with our special house blend of Rose Water, Essential oils such as Sage, lemon, Lavender, and some more.
Each bottle has crystals such as Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz.
100ml bottle.
Side Effects of Space & Aura Mist
Feelings of joy, Love, Peace, Calm, Happiness & Protection
Shake well before use. Spray in the air, around yourself, or on your yoga mat.
Switch Word
“Cleansing magic begin now.”
Switchwords are the WORDS that can quickly switch your energy from one dimension to the other dimension. It means that words have the power to change your energy. All words can become Switchwords. All words have some power to become Switchwords. So it is very simple to understand that those words which have the power to switch your energy are called Switchwords for you. Source.
Avoid contact with eyes. Do not ingest.
The Mind, Body and Soul Connection
Stress has unfortunately become an integral part of our daily lives. However, with holistic wellness and healing modalities, we can bring our body, mind and soul into alignment as we begin to heal and grow spiritually. Let Manisha Dutta, our Holistic Healer help you find your path as you embark on your healing journey. As a result, stress will no longer remain a part of your life and you will always project the best version of yourself by attaining a natural state of calmness, trusting your inner voice and expressing your creativity.
Holistic Healing Sessions
To Book your 1 on 1 personal healing sessions, feel free to get in touch with us: 055 626 4742 | email: hello@manishadutta.com
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