7 Chakra Set Crystal Tumbles
7 Chakra Set Crystal Tumbles are a beautiful Chakra set of 7 stones. They are set on agate. Each stone is stamped with the related symbol and in the color of each chakra. We have 7 stones relating to the 7 major chakras in the body.
Use this 7 Chakra set by lying down and placing each stone on the location of the chakra on your body. Alternatively you can hold the related chakra stone in your hand while you meditate to cleanse or balance the chakra in your mind.
Imbalance of Chakras will show in the related qualities or expressions in a person as given below. If you feel that you are either too aggressive or too subtle in any of these qualities, the related chakra may need some balancing.
7 Chakra Set Crystal Tumbles – Facts
Base Chakra/ Muladhara: Grounding/ Stabilising Earth Energy
Sacral Chakra/ Svadisthana: Transmuting sexual energy
Solar Plexus/ Manipura: Transducing solar and panic energy
Heart/Anahata: Flow of unconditional love
Throat/ Vishuddha: Self-expression, communication, will
Brow/ Ajna: Balancing the higher and lower self, ESP
Crown/ Sahasrara: Divine love and super-consciousness
Chakras and Colors
Each of the 7 chakras have their own colors. A 7 Chakra set can be in any one of these colors.
Root: Red, brown, grey and black
Sacral: Orange and silver
Solar plexus: Yellow
Heart: Green and pink
Throat: Sky or light blue
Third eye: Indigo or different shades of purple, tinged with silver
Crown: Violet, rich purple merging into pure white and gold
How do I cleanse my 7 Chakra Set Crystal Tumbles?
Crystals can be cleansed in many ways such as sage, sound, light, etc. There are some methods that are safer than others. Read more about the different methods of cleansing your crystals in this post. Note: Alternate therapies (including Crystals) are not substitutes for medical aid. Please do not replace them with your doctors advice or prescribed medication.
The Mind, Body and Soul Connection
Stress has unfortunately become an integral part of our daily lives. However, with holistic wellness and healing modalities, we can bring our body, mind and soul into alignment as we begin to heal and grow spiritually. Let Manisha Dutta, our Holistic Healer help you find your path as you embark on your healing journey. As a result, stress will no longer remain a part of your life and you will always project the best version of yourself by attaining a natural state of calmness, trusting your inner voice and expressing your creativity.
Holistic Healing Sessions
To Book your 1 on 1 personal healing sessions, feel free to get in touch with us: 055 626 4742 | email: hello@manishadutta.com
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