Title: Discover the Healing Powers of Vogels 8 Sided Crystals
Are you looking for a powerful crystal that can help you align your mind, body, and soul? Look no further than Vogels 8 Sided crystals. These unique crystals are revered for their ability to promote healing, balance, and spiritual growth.
History and Properties:
Vogels 8 Sided crystals are named after Marcel Vogel, a renowned scientist and crystal expert. Vogel discovered that by cutting a quartz crystal in a specific way, it could amplify energy and transmit it more efficiently. The result was the creation of the Vogel crystal, which has eight sides and a pointed end. The eight sides represent the eight chakras of the body, making Vogels 8 Sided crystals ideal for balancing and aligning the chakras.
The ability to enhance psychic abilities, facilitate communication with the spiritual realm, and promote mental clarity are also attributed to Vogels 8 Sided crystals. People believe that these crystals contain the wisdom and knowledge of the universe. Thus enabling individuals to tap into their inner guidance and intuition.
Recommended for energu healers. Additionally healers can use selenite protection.
Using Vogels 8 Sided Crystals:
There are many ways to use Vogels 8 Sided crystals to enhance your life. Here are a few suggestions:
- Meditate with your Vogel crystal: Hold your Vogel crystal in your hand while you meditate to amplify your energy and connect with your higher self.
- Wear a Vogel crystal as jewelry: You can wear a Vogel crystal as a necklace or bracelet to keep its energy close to your body throughout the day.
- Use Vogel crystals in energy healing: Place Vogel crystals on the chakras or use them to direct energy during a healing session.
- Keep a Vogel crystal in your workspace: Place a Vogel crystal on your desk or in your workspace to promote mental clarity, focus, and productivity.
The Mind, Body and Soul Connection
Stress has unfortunately become an integral part of our daily lives. However, with holistic wellness and healing modalities, we can bring our body, mind and soul into alignment as we begin to heal and grow spiritually. Let Manisha Dutta, our Holistic Healer help you find your path as you embark on your healing journey. As a result, stress will no longer remain a part of your life. Also you will always project the best version of yourself by attaining a natural state of calmness, trusting your inner voice and expressing your creativity.
Holistic Healing Sessions
To Book your 1 on 1 personal healing sessions, feel free to get in touch with us: 055 626 4742 | email: hello@manishadutta.com