Moon Rituals

How to run a sacred bath for Moon Rituals

It is of prime importance to allocate a specific portion of your day solely to [...]

Our Thoughts

How to Manifest your Desires From the Universe

There are an umpteem amount of essential elements when it comes to attracting your desires. [...]


Can Crystals Cause Harm?

Are crystals harmful? Can they wreak havoc if placed together? A lot of my clients, [...]

Moon Rituals

New Moon Rituals – Set your intentions and manifestations

One of the moon’s many phases, where the moon and sun align, in astrological terms [...]

Moon Rituals

How to create your own Full Moon Rituals

Every full moon and new moon, the Universe invites us to pause for a few [...]


5 Reasons You Should Be Smudging with Sage

Smudging with sage is not a newfound trend that you must adapt to. Native Americans [...]

Feng Shui

Happy Chinese New Year! Year of the Earth Pig.

Gong Xi Fa Cai 2019! It’s the Chinese New Year! So what do the energies [...]


Crystal Elixir Recipe and Benefits

The word elixir makes it sound all mystical but a crystal elixir is as simple [...]


Amethyst – The Stone Of Love

When looking for crystals for love, people usually think of the Rose Quartz. While Rose [...]

Feng Shui

Happy Chinese New Year! Year of the Fire Rooster 2017.

Its the Chinese New Year. Its been a year since we started our journey with [...]

Our Thoughts

8 Reasons Why You Should Own a Himalayan Salt Lamp

Himalayan Salt lamps create quite a controversy – as do any other holistic treatments and [...]

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Our Thoughts

The Science of Yoga!

I have been suffering with a really intense lower backache for more than a month now. [...]

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